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Braz. J. Pharm. Sci. (Online) ; 58: e19898, 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1394061


Abstract A study was carried out to synthesize silver nanoparticles (Ag-NPs) using plant extracts and to explore their pharmaceutical application as antibacterial agents. Dried leaves of Mentha arvensis Linn. were powdered and extracts were prepared using three different organic solvents. Preliminary screening on antibacterial activity by agar well diffusion method indicated that the methanolic extract possessed higher potential than the other two. Phytochemical analysis of the leaf extract revealed that it possesses tannins, steroids, terpenoids and flavonoids. Ag-NPs prepared using this extract were of spherical to cuboidal shape ranging in size from 40 to 70 nm. It retained essential chemical groups and had the required surface plasmon resonance. Further to the antimicrobial assay, the Ag-NPs, in contrast to the whole methanolic leaf extract, showed better (100% vs. 80%) bactericidal activity against the indicator organisms. The zones of growth inhibition for gram positive bacteria ranged between 14±0.6 and 23±0.3, while it was between 12±0.6 and 22±0.2 for gram negative bacteria. The Ag-NPs presented the minimum inhibitory concentration values of 250 µg/mL for gram positive bacteria and 250 - 500 µg/mL for gram negative bacteria. These findings suggest that the natural compounds present in M. arvensis L. possess the potency to facilitate the synthesis and antibacterial action of Ag-NPs.

Silver , Plant Extracts/pharmacology , Mentha/chemistry , Nanoparticles , Gram-Negative Bacteria/drug effects , Gram-Positive Bacteria/drug effects , Anti-Bacterial Agents/pharmacology , Microbial Sensitivity Tests
Actual. nutr ; 22(1): 16-24, ene. 2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1416629


Introducción: en las últimas décadas es creciente el empleo de plantas medicinales en todo el ciclo vital debido, por un lado, a una tendencia a revalorizar los saberes que forman parte de las culturas regionales de algunas comunidades y, por el otro, al uso cada vez más frecuente en los países desarrollados de medicinas alternativas complementarias. Objetivos: el presente trabajo tiene el propósito de realizar una actualización en relación al consumo de infusiones de plantas medicinales durante la gestación, con énfasis en las posturas sobre el tema emitidas por organismos de referencia. Desarrollo: las plantas medicinales presentadas en este documento son las que cuentan con un mayor aval científico respecto de la seguridad de su consumo en forma de infusiones durante el embarazo e incluyen al jengibre, la manzanilla, la menta piperita y el tilo. Se presentan las características de cada planta, la zona de producción en Argentina, los compuestos bioactivos presentes, los potenciales riesgos, y la postura de organismos nacionales e internacionales sobre su inocuidad durante la gestación. Conclusiones: en todos los casos, durante el embarazo el consumo seguro es en forma de infusión, no más de dos a tres tazas por día de cada planta, e idealmente se recomienda alternar su consumo o combinarlo. Además, se destaca que la comunidad debe reconocer la necesidad de consultar al profesional médico antes de usar una planta medicinal

Introduction: in the last decades, the use of medicinal plants throughout the life cycle is increasing due, on the one hand, to a tendency to revalue knowledges that are part of the regional cultures of some communities and, on the other hand, to the use increasingly frequent in developed countries of complementary alternative medicines. Objectives: the purpose of this work is to carry out an update in relation to the consumption of medicinal herbal teas during pregnancy with emphasis on the positions on the subject issued by reference organisms. Development: the medicinal plants presented in this document are the ones that have the greatest scientific endorsement regarding the safety of their consumption in the form of infusions during pregnancy and include ginger, chamomile, peppermint, and linden. The characteristics of each plant, the production area in Argentina, the bioactive compounds present, the potential risks and the position of national and international organizations regarding their safety during pregnancy are presented. Conclusions: In all cases during pregnancy, safe consumption is in the form of an infusion, not more than two to three cups per day of each plant, and ideally it is recommended to alternate its consumption or combine it. In addition, it is highlighted that the community must recognize the need to consult a medical professional before using a medicinal plant

Humans , Plants, Medicinal , Pregnancy , Chamomile , Ginger , Mentha , Tilia
Rev. Ciênc. Méd. Biol. (Impr.) ; 19(3): 417-422, dez 5, 2020. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1357921


Introdução: no Brasil, a utilização de fitoterápicos e plantas medicinais é uma prática amplamente difundida, todavia, o consumo destes compostos em associação com medicamentos alopáticos caracteriza um risco à saúde devido às potenciais interações medicamentosas e seus efeitos. Objetivo: analisar as potenciais interações envolvendo fitoterápicos e plantas medicinais com medicamentos alopáticos na população de Rondonópolis, MT. Metodologia: trata-se de um estudo transversal de base populacional com 370 participantes. Os dados foram coletados em visitas domiciliares com um instrumento estruturado e padronizado. Para identificar as potenciais interações foi utilizada a base de dados Medscape® e a literatura nacional e internacional. Resultados: 131 (35,40%) indivíduos informaram consumir plantas medicinais e ou fitoterápicos concomitante a medicamentos alopáticos. A interação entre fitoterápicos e medicamentos alopáticos mais frequente foi entre Passiflora incarnata e cinarizina, para plantas medicinais foi entre hortelã e sinvastatina. As consequências mais prevalentes decorrentes das interações foram a intensificação da depressão do Sistema Nervoso Central, o aumento da anticoagulação e o risco de hipoglicemia. Conclusão: os dados analisados no presente estudo possibilitaram identificar potenciais interações existentes entre medicamentos alopáticos e plantas medicinais/fitoterápicos na população de Rondonópolis-MT e apontam para a necessidade de se estimular o uso racional da fitoterapia no âmbito da saúde pública.

Introduction: in Brazil, the use of phytotherapy medication and medicinal plants is a widespread practice. However, the consumption of these compounds in association with allopathic medicinal products is a health risk due to potential drug interactions and their effects. Objective: to analyze the potential interactions involving phythotherapy medication and medicinal plants with allopathic drugs in the population of Rondonópolis, state of MT. Methodology: this is a cross-sectional population-based study with 370 participants. Data were collected in home visits with a structured and standardized instrument. Medscape® database and national and international literature were used to identify potential interactions. Results: 131 (35, 40%) individuals reported consuming medicinal plants and/or phytotherapy medication concomitantly with allopathic drugs. The most frequent interaction between phytotherapeutic and allopathic drugs was between Passiflora incarnata and cinnarizine, and in medicinal plants, it was between peppermint and simvastatin. The most prevalent consequences of the interactions were intensification of central nervous system depression, increased anticoagulation and risk of hypoglycemia. Conclusion: data analyzed in the present study enabled the identification of potential interactions between allopathic medicines and herbal plants/phytotherapeutic medication in the population of Rondonópolis (MT), and demonstrated the need to stimulate the rational use of phytotherapy in public health.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Plants, Medicinal , Cinnarizine , Simvastatin , Mentha , Passiflora , Drug Interactions , Phytotherapeutic Drugs , Cross-Sectional Studies
Braz. j. biol ; 80(3): 582-588, July-Sept. 2020. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1132410


Abstract Schistosomiasis treatment is dependent on a single drug, praziquantel (PZQ). The development of resistance of PZQ has drawn the attention of many researchers to alternative drugs. One viable and promising treatment is the study of medicinal plants as a new approach to the experimental treatment for Schistosomiasis. The present work aimed to evaluate in vivo antischistosomal activity of effect of Mentha x villosa Oil Essential (Mv-EO) and rotundifolone (ROT) against Schistosoma mansoni. Thirty-day-old female Swiss webster mice (Mus musculus) weighing 50 grams were used. Mice were infected with 80 cercariae of S. mansoni (BH strain) and orally administered Mv-EO (50, 100 and 200 mg/Kg) and ROT (35.9, 70.9 and 141.9 mg/Kg) at 45-days post infection for 5 consecutive days. All mice were euthanized 60 days after infection. Praziquantel was the positive control in the experiment. Doses of 200 mg/kg (Mv-EO) and ROT (141.9 mg/Kg) resulted in a significant reduction in fluke burden (72.44% and 74.48%, respectively). There was also marked reduction in liver, intestinal and faecal and changed oogram pattern, compared to infected untreated mice. Considering the results obtained, further biological studies are required in order to elucidate the mechanism of schistosomicidal action on against adult S. mansoni.

Resumo O tratamento da esquistossomose é dependente de uma única droga, praziquantel (PZQ). O desenvolvimento da resistência de PZQ tem atraído atenção de muitos pesquisadores por medicamentos alternativos. Um tratamento viável e promissor é o estudo das plantas medicinais como uma nova abordagem para o tratamento experimental para esquistossomose. O presente trabalho objetivou avaliar a atividade esquistossomicida in vivo óleo essencial de Mentha x villosa (OE-Mv) e rotundifolona (ROT) contra Schistosoma mansoni. Foram utilizados camundongos Swiss webster (Mus musculus) fêmea de trinta dias de idade pesando 50 gramas. Os camundongos foram infectados com 80 cercárias de S. mansoni (cepa BH) e administrado por via oral OE-Mv (50, 100 e 200 mg/Kg) e ROT (35,9, 70,9 e 141,9 mg/Kg) apos 45 dias de infecção durante 5 dias consecutivos. Todos os animais foram eutanasiados 60 dias após a infecção. Praziquantel foi o controle positivo no experimento. O tratamento dos camundongos infectados com doses de 200 mg/kg (OE-Mv) e rotundifolona (141,9 mg/Kg) resultaram em redução significativa dos vermes (72.44% e 74.48%, respectivamente). Foi observado também redução no fígado, intestino e fecal e alteração no padrão do oograma, em comparação aos camundongos infectados e não tratados. Considerando os resultados obtidos, mais estudos biológicos são necessários a fim de elucidar o mecanismo de ação esquistossomicida contra adultos de S. mansoni.

Animals , Female , Rabbits , Schistosomiasis mansoni , Oils, Volatile , Mentha , Praziquantel , Schistosoma mansoni
Hig. aliment ; 33(288/289): 470-474, abr.-maio 2019. tab, ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1481978


O trabalho propôs o processamento de sorvete de abacaxi com microcápsulas de hortelã-verde, sua caracterização físico-química e avaliação da sua aceitação sensorial. As microcápsulas foram obtidas por gelificação iônica. Foram feitas duas formulações de sorvete, uma controle e outra com microcápsulas de hortelã-verde. Estas foram submetidas às análises de overrun, derretimento, sólidos solúveis, pH, acidez, cor, densidade, análise sensorial e rotulagem nutricional. As formulações estudadas apresentaram boa aceitabilidade e intenção de compra maior que 70%, embora a formulação sem microcápsulas tenha apresentado valores superiores nos atributos sensoriais. O sorvete com microcápsulas apresentou maior resistência ao derretimento. A técnica de gelificação iônica mostrou-se eficiente na preservação da clorofila da hortelã-verde.

Humans , Consumer Behavior , Chemical Phenomena , Mentha , Ice Cream , Perception
Hig. aliment ; 33(288/289): 506-510, abr.-maio 2019. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1481985


Refrigerante é a bebida gaseificada, obtida pela dissolução, em água potável, de suco ou extrato vegetal e adicionada de açúcar. Objetivou-se neste trabalho elaborar quatro diferentes formulações de refrigerantes a partir da polpa de abacaxi com hortelã, açúcar/adoçante, adicionado ou não de gengibre e avaliar suas características sensoriais. Estes foram submetidos a análises sensoriais de aceitação (escala hedônica e FACT) e intenção de compra. Os refrigerantes não diferiram entre si, em relação aos atributos cor, sabor, aroma, efervescência e impressão global e para intenção de compra (p>0,05). Os refrigerantes elaborados apresentaram um bom potencial no mercado consumidor, sendo uma alternativa para consumidores que buscam um estilo de vida mais saudável.

Humans , Ananas , Carbonated Beverages , Consumer Behavior , Mentha , Perception
The Korean Journal of Parasitology ; : 587-593, 2019.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-786646


Excavation (2008–2014) carried out under the Uffizi Gallery (Florence, Italy) led to the discovery of 75 individuals, mostly buried in multiple graves. Based on Roman minted coins, the graves were preliminarily dated between the second half of the 4th and the beginning of the 5th centuries CE. Taphonomy showed that this was an emergency burial site associated with a catastrophic event, possibly an epidemic of unknown etiology with high mortality rates. In this perspective, paleoparasitological investigations were performed on 18 individuals exhumed from 9 multiple graves to assess the burden of gastrointestinal parasitism. Five out of eighteen individuals (27.7%) tested positive for ascarid-type remains; these are considered as “decorticated” Ascaris eggs, which have lost their outer mammillated coat. Roundworms (genus Ascaris) commonly infest human populations under dire sanitary conditions. Archaeological and historical evidence indicates that Florentia suffered a period of economic crisis between the end of 4th and the beginning of the 5th centuries CE, and that the aqueduct was severely damaged at the beginning of the 4th century CE, possibly during the siege of the Goths (406 CE). It is more than plausible that the epidemic, possibly coupled with the disruption of the aqueduct, deeply affected the living conditions of these individuals. A 27.7% frequency suggests that ascariasis was widespread in this population. This investigation exemplifies how paleoparasitological information can be retrieved from the analysis of sediments sampled in cemeteries, thus allowing a better assessment of the varying frequency of parasitic infections among ancient populations.

Humans , Ascariasis , Ascaris , Burial , Cemeteries , Eggs , Emergencies , Italy , Mentha , Mortality , Numismatics , Ovum , Social Conditions
Arq. Ciênc. Vet. Zool. UNIPAR (Online) ; 21(4): 139-140, out-dez. 2018.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-986986


Antioxidantes são substâncias utilizadas para preservar alimentos por meio do retardamento da deterioração, da rancidez e descolorações decorrentes da oxidação. Os antioxidantes disponíveis incluem os sintéticos e os naturais, no entanto, devido à possibilidade de efeitos carcinogênicos e mutagênicos, cada vez mais, existe uma busca pelo uso de antioxidantes naturais. A CMS (Carne Mecanicamente Separada) origina-se do processamento da carne, sendo formado pelo dorso, pescoço e da desossa da ave após processamento da carne para formação dos cortes. A legislação brasileira recomenda no máximo até 30% de CMS na produção de hambúrgueres, demonstrando a possibilidade de seu aproveitamento em um produto de maior valor comercial. Além disso, por ser uma carne extremamente processada está mais sujeita à oxidação, o que faz com que seja necessário o uso de antioxidantes visando, principalmente, aumentar o tempo de prateleira. Dessa forma, fazem-se necessárias pesquisas avaliando o uso de antioxidantes naturais, tais como os óleos essenciais. Em pesquisa recente desenvolvida por nosso grupo de pesquisa foi avaliado a produção de hambúrgueres elaborados com CMS de aves (frangos e galinhas) e adicionado de óleo essencial de hortelã ou orégano como antioxidante em diferentes níveis (0,04; 0,06 e 0,08%) e resultados prévios demonstraram uma boa aceitabilidade no teste de preferência para qualquer um dos níveis utilizados. No entanto, os resultados da avaliação da capacidade antioxidante e análise microbiológica devem ser avaliados para se definir o melhor nível de uso dos óleos essenciais de orégano ou hortelã como antioxidante natural em produtos elaborados com CMS de aves.(AU)

Antioxidants are used to preserve food by delaying deterioration, rancidity and discoloration caused by oxidation. Antioxidants can be either synthetic or natural; however, due to the possibility of carcinogenic and mutagenic effects, there has been an increasing search for the use of natural antioxidants. Mechanically separated meat (MSM) originates from the meat processing, being formed by the back, neck and the deboning process of poultry, and the subsequent processing of the meat to form the cuts. The Brazilian legislation recommends a maximum of 30% of MSM in the production of hamburgers, demonstrating the possibility of its use in a product with greater commercial value. Moreover, since this is an extremely processed meat, it is more prone to oxidation, requiring the use of antioxidants to increase shelf life. Thus, research is needed to evaluate the use of natural antioxidants such as essential oils. In recent research developed by this research group, the production of hamburgers made with MSM from poultry and the addition of mint or oregano essential oil as antioxidant at different levels (0.04, 0.06, and 0.08%), with prior results showing good acceptability in the preference test for all the levels used. However, the antioxidant capacity assessment and microbiological analysis must be evaluated in order to determine the optimal usage level of oregano or mint essential oils as natural antioxidants in products made with poultry MSM.(AU)

Los antioxidantes son sustancias utilizadas para preservar los alimentos por medio de retraso del deterioro, de la rancidez y de las decoloraciones resultantes de la oxidación. Los antioxidantes disponibles incluyen los sintéticos y los naturales, sin embargo, debido a la posibilidad de efectos carcinogénicos y mutagénicos, cada vez más existen búsquedas por el uso de antioxidantes naturales. La CMS (carne mecánicamente separada) se origina del procesamiento de la carne, siendo formado por el dorso, el cuello y el deshuesado del ave después del procesamiento de la carne para la formación de los cortes. La legislación brasileña recomienda al máximo hasta un 30% de CMS en la producción de hamburguesas, demostrando la posibilidad de su aprovechamiento en un producto de mayor valor comercial. Además, por ser una carne extremadamente procesada está más sujeta a la oxidación, lo que hace que es necesario el uso de antioxidantes, buscando principalmente aumentar el tiempo de estantería. De esa forma, se hacen necesarias investigaciones evaluando el uso de antioxidantes naturales, tales como los aceites esenciales. En investigación reciente desarrollada por nuestro grupo de investigadores se evaluó la producción de hamburguesas elaboradas con CMS de aves (pollos y gallinas), agregado de aceite esencial de menta u orégano como antioxidante en diferentes niveles (0,04, 0,06 y 0, 08%), resultados previos demostraron una buena aceptación en la prueba de preferencia para cualquiera de los niveles utilizados. Sin embargo, los resultados de la evaluación de capacidad antioxidante y el análisis microbiológico deben ser evaluados para definir el mejor nivel de uso de los aceites esenciales de orégano o menta como antioxidante natural en productos elaborados con CMS de aves.(AU)

Animals , Meat Products/analysis , Antioxidants , Oils, Volatile , Mentha , Origanum
Ambato; s.n; 2018. 1-62 p. ilus, tab, graf.
Thesis in Spanish | LILACS, MTYCI | ID: biblio-998019


El empleo de plantas medicinales por su gran disponibilidad y variedad de principios activos con importancia farmacológica, ha sido fuente de investigación para avances científicos. El presente estudio se centró en la obtención de un ingrediente activo antiinflamatorio a partir de los extractos etanólicos de 8 plantas medicinales: Cymbopogon citratus, Mentha sativa L, Cynara scolymus L, Zingiber officinale L, Ocimum basilicum L, Cinnamomum verum J y Camellia sinensis. Las mejores condiciones para el proceso de extracción de los metabolitos vegetales de las plantas empleadas se establecieron a partir de un diseño factorial 22, utilizando dos variables de estudio, concentración del disolvente etanol (ETOH) y tiempo de extracción, empleando la tecnología de spray drying se microencapsularon los extractos etanólicos. Para la determinación de la actividad antiinflamatoria, se sometió a pruebas in vitro mediante el método de estabilización de membrana de los eritrocitos humanos en comparación con el antiinflamatorio testigo utilizado la aspirina. Identificando que el mayor porcentaje de actividad antiinflamatoria lo posee el microencapsulado de la mezcla de las 8 plantas medicinales con un valor de 76,96 %. A partir de espectrofotometría ultravioleta-visible, se cuantificaron dos de los componentes fitoquímicos que le dan la capacidad antiinflamatoria al microencapsulado, polifenoles totales 93,50 ± 1,78 mg AG/g microencapsulado y flavonoides totales 54,80 ± 8,61 mg quercetina/g microencapsulado. Esta investigación mostró un efecto sinérgico de la mezcla de las 8 plantas debido a que se potenció la actividad de los principios activos que les dan la capacidad antiinflamatoria (polifenoles y flavonoides). (AU)

Humans , Plants, Medicinal , Cinnamomum zeylanicum , Ocimum basilicum , Ginger , Mentha , Camellia sinensis , Cynara , Cymbopogon , Anti-Inflammatory Agents , Plant Extracts , Ecuador , Medicine, Traditional
Ambato; s.n; 2018. 1-66 p. graf, tab.
Thesis in Spanish | LILACS, MTYCI | ID: biblio-996386


El uso de la medicina natural tradicional es actualmente una parte importante relacionada con la salud, en algunos países de Latinoamérica se la conoce como medicina complementaria, la cual históricamente se ha utilizado para mantener la salud, prevenir y tratar enfermedades crónicas. En el presente proyecto de investigación se propuso determinar si existe algún efecto antimicrobiano significativo contra el microorganismo Cándida albicans en el extracto alcohólico o aceite esencial obtenidos a partir de la planta menta. La investigación comprendió tres etapas: el estudio etnofarmacológico, el análisis fitoquímico y el análisis de actividad antimicrobiana. Al concluir la primera etapa se estableció que las plantas de acuerdo al nivel de uso significativo (UST%), presentan los siguientes valores: menta (29,41%), sábila (23,08%) y manzanilla (21,72%). En el análisis fitoquímico se determinó la presencia de ciertos metabolitos secundarios de la planta medicinal menta como los terpenoides y compuestos fenólicos (cumarinas, flavonoides, lignina y taninos). Dentro del análisis microbiológico, se presentó mayor efectividad a una concentración de 100%, obteniéndose halos promedio de 17,67mm y 16,67mm para aceite esencial y extracto etanólico respectivamente. La prueba de varianzas realizada como análisis estadístico determinó que alguna de las medias de las distribuciones de la variable cuantitativa (halos de inhibición) en los extractos y aceites de menta es diferente (15,907 con un valor de p < 0,05), afirmando que existen efecto antimicrobiano de la menta sobre Cándida albicans.

Candida albicans , Mentha/microbiology , Anti-Infective Agents , Ethnopharmacology , Ecuador , Phytochemicals
Journal of Dental Hygiene Science ; (6): 265-270, 2018.
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-716172


The purpose of this study was to investigate the chemical properties of some commercially available mouthwashes and to ascertain whether the mouthwashes accelerated mineral loss in dental enamel. Five commercially available mouthwashes were selected from the three largest malls in Korea: Perio Total 7 Aqua Cool Mint Strong FreshTM (PS; LG Household & Health Care Ltd.), Garglin OriginalTM (Dong-A Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.), Garglin ZeroTM (Dong-A Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.), Listerine Naturals CitrusTM (LC; IDS Manufacturing Ltd.), and Listerine Cool MintTM (LM; IDS Manufacturing Ltd.). The composition, pH, and titratable acidity of the mouthwashes were investigated. Six bovine teeth specimens were prepared for each mouthwash group. Each of the six specimens was individually immersed in 30 ml aliquots of mouthwash for 1 minute, 30 minutes, 90 minutes, and 120 minutes, and the samples were placed in a 36.5℃ stirred incubator. The degree of mineral loss (ΔF) of the tooth surface area exposed to mouthwash, compared with normal teeth, was analyzed by quantitative light-induced fluorescence-digital. The difference in ΔF among mouthwash groups was examined by the Kruskal-Wallis H test (α=0.05). The contents of mouthwashes differed between Listerine and other products, and the pH ranged from 4.09 to 6.75. The titratable acidity of PS was the lowest at 0.63 ml and highest at 9.25 ml for LM. Minor mineral loss was observed when dental specimens were immersed in the Listerine products (LC and LM) for more than 90 minutes, but the degree of mineral loss for Listerine products was not statistically significantly different from that for groups without mineral loss. In conclusion, all five commercially available mouthwashes showed no harmful effects on tooth enamel.

Humans , Delivery of Health Care , Dental Enamel , Dental Hygienists , Family Characteristics , Hydrogen-Ion Concentration , Incubators , Korea , Mentha , Miners , Mouthwashes , Tooth
China Journal of Chinese Materia Medica ; (24): 544-550, 2018.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-771703


The dynamic changes of active components in stems and leaves of Mentha Haplocalycis Herba(mint) at different harvest periods were investigated, and the optimum harvest time of mint was explored. In this study, hesperidin, diosmin, didymin and buddleoside were selected as flavonoids index components of mint, and the QAMS method was established to measure the contents of these flavonoids in mint. The contents of 4 flavonoid glycosides in the mint stems and leaves from three habitats harvested in different time were studied and evaluated comprehensively using statistical analysis and principal component analysis (PCA). The results showed that the contents of 4 components in the leaves are higher than that in the stems despite of habitats and harvest time, and they all exhibited dynamic changes along with the harvest periods within the same habitat. Three harvest periods in mid April, mid September and late October scored higher in comprehensive evaluation in Jiangsu region, the genuine producing area of Mentha Haplocalycis Herba. Combined with the yield and contents of active compounds, the optimum harvest time of mint in Jiangsu region was mid September and late October, which is basically consistent with the traditional harvesting periods.

Flavonoids , Mentha , Chemistry , Phytochemicals , Plant Extracts , Plant Leaves , Chemistry , Plant Stems , Chemistry , Seasons
Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop ; 50(1): 86-91, Jan.-Feb. 2017. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-842822


ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION: Schistosomiasis, a parasitic disease caused by trematode flatworms of the genus Schistosoma, affects more than 200 million people worldwide, and its control is dependent on a single drug, praziquantel. Here, we report the in vitro effect of rotundifolone, a monoterpene isolated from Mentha x villosa (Lamiaceae), on Schistosoma mansoni adult worms. METHODS: The in vitro effect of rotundifolone on adult Schistosoma mansoni was evaluated by analysis of behavior and mortality and through a scanning electron microscopic analysis of ultrastructural changes in the tegument of the worms. RESULTS: At concentrations of 3.54 and 7.09μg/mL-1 rotundifolone, no worm mortality was observed at any of the sampling intervals. A minor reduction in movement of the tail, suckers, and gynecophoral canal membrane was observed after 96 h of exposure to 7.09μg/mL-1 rotundifolone. At 70.96μg/mL-1, a lack of movement was observed from 72h onwards and all worms were deemed dead; similar effects were observed at 48h with 177.4μg/mL-1, and at 24h with 354.8μg/mL-1 and 700.96μg/mL-1. Rotundifolone also caused death of all parasites and separation of coupled pairs into individual males and females after 24h at 354.8μg/mL-1. CONCLUSIONS: The main changes in the tegument induced by the different ROT treatments were: after 24h incubation, bubble lesions spread over the entire body and loss of tubercles occurred in some regions of the ventral region.

Animals , Male , Female , Schistosoma mansoni/drug effects , Mentha/chemistry , Monoterpenes/pharmacology , Schistosoma mansoni/ultrastructure , Microscopy, Electron, Scanning , Parasitic Sensitivity Tests , Monoterpenes/isolation & purification
Acta Medica Philippina ; : 86-91, 2017.
Article | WPRIM | ID: wpr-959841


INTRODUCTION: Asthma is an IgE-mediated inflammatory response characterized by hyperresponsiveness, airway inflammation, and reversible airflow obstruction. Currently, asthma affects 12 - 22% of the population in the Philippines. Anecdotal reports showed that yerba buena (Mentha arvensis Linn.) and oregano (Coleus amboinicus Lour.) are utilized for treating asthma in the folk culture.OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to determine the effect of combined Yerba Buena (Mentha arvensis Linn.) and Oregano (Coleus amboinicus Lour.) leaves extract in asthma-induced mice.METHODS:This study investigated the anti-asthmatic activity of the aqueous and methanolic extracts of the combined herbs in asthma-induced mice using immunoglobulin E (IgE) as a parameter.RESULTS: Aqueous- and methanol-treated mice has 50% and 60% reduction in the IgE level, respectively (p = 0.018). The extracts exhibited a significant (p = 0.001) anti-inflammatory activity in mice that further proved its effect on IgE. Moreover, lung histopathology also established the potential effect of the extract through the widening of the alveoli on treated mice.CONCLUSION: Combined Yerba Buena and Oregano aqueous and methanol extracts may have a potential health benefit against asthma.

Mice , Animals , Asthma , Origanum , Methanol , Coleus , Mentha , Philippines , Anti-Asthmatic Agents , Anti-Inflammatory Agents , Inflammation
Journal of Medicinal Plants. 2017; 16 (Supp. 10): 1-9
in Persian | IMEMR | ID: emr-185691


Background: Phenolic compounds are one of the most important classes of plant secondary metabolites that produced in response to environmental conditions. The concentrations and compounds of media have played a significant role in production of these compounds. Production of phenolic compounds in the medium reduces the chances of success in tissue culture process or complicates the process

Objective: This study aimed to investigate the effect of various antioxidants and media on change in biosynthesis of phenolic compounds in callus culture of Mentha arvensis L

Methods: leaves were cultured on MS medium supplemented with 2,4-D, NAA, BAP and KIN for callus induction. After selection of the best medium for callus induction, calli were subculture on MS and B5 media in combination with different concentration of Activated charcoal, Citric acid, Ascorbic acid, Turmeric and polyvinylpyrrolidone [PVP] for study of phenolic compounds. The amounts of phenolic compounds in callus and media were analyzed by spectrophotometer

Results: The maximum callus fresh weight [3.56 gr] and dry weight [1.88 gr] were obtained in 0.5 mg/l 2,4-D. Activitated charcoal, citric acid, Ascorbic acid, PVP, have not significant effects on production of phenolic compounds whereas, both concentrations of Turmeric have significant effect. The highest level of phenol [127 ml/micro g] in media and the lowest level [72.9 ml/micro g] of phenol in callus was observed in media with 1000 mg/l of Turmeric

Conclusion: Turmeric will be assisting a significant effect on release and absorption of phenolic compounds in tissue culture medium. This study could be contributed as an inexpensive and practical for callus induction and also could applied for production of phenolic compounds in vitro plant secondary metabolites production

Phenols , In Vitro Techniques , Antioxidants , Culture Media , Mentha , Curcuma
Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 2016; 29 (2): 389-396
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-176367


Our TLC study of the volatile oil isolated from Mentha longifolia showed a major UV active spot with higher Rf value than menthol. Based on the fact that the components of the oil from same plant differ quantitatively due to environmental conditions, the major spot was isolated using different chromatographic techniques and identified by spectroscopic means as pulegone. The presence of pulegone in M. longifolia, a plant widely used in Saudi Arabia, raised a hot debate due to its known toxicity. The Scientific Committee on Food, Health and Consumer Protection Directorate-General, European Commission set a limit for the presence of pulegone in foodstuffs and beverages. In this paper we attempted to determine the exact amount of pulegone in different extracts, volatile oil as well as tea flavoured with M. longifolia [Habak] by densitometric HPTLC validated methods using normal phase [Method I] and reverse phase [Method II] TLC plates. The study indicated that the style of use of Habak in Saudi Arabia resulted in much less amount of pulegone than the allowed limit

Mentha , Chromatography, High Pressure Liquid , Oils, Volatile , Tea
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-774569


Introduction: The essential oil Mentha x villosa (MVEO) has a wide range of actions, including antibacterial, antifungal, antiprotozoal and schistosomicidal actions. The present study aimed to investigate the ultrastructural changes of MVEO on the tegument of adult Schistosoma mansoni. Materials and Methods: Different concentrations of MVEO were tested on S. mansoni adult worms in vitro. Ultrastructural changes on the tegument of these adult worms were evaluated using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Results: The MVEO caused the death of all worms at 500 μg mL-1 after 24 h. After 24h of 500 μg mL-1 MVEO treatment, bubble lesions were observed over the entire body of worms and they presented loss of tubercles in some regions of the ventral portion. In the evaluation by TEM, S. mansoni adult worms treated with MVEO, 500 μg mL-1, presented changes in the tegument and vacuoles in the syncytial matrix region. Glycogen granules close to the muscle fibers were visible. Conclusion: The ability of MVEO to cause extensive ultrastructural damage to S. mansoni adult worms correlates with its schistosomicidal effects and confirms earlier findings with S. mansoni.

Animals , Male , Mice , Mentha/chemistry , Oils, Volatile/pharmacology , Schistosoma mansoni/drug effects , Schistosoma mansoni/ultrastructure , Schistosomicides/pharmacology , Microscopy, Electron, Scanning , Microscopy, Electron, Transmission
Acta sci., Biol. sci ; 37(4): 405-410, Oct.-Dec. 2015. tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-875836


Species of the genus Mentha produce essential oils which are widely used in pharmaceutical and cosmetic industries. Current study evaluates the potential for in vitro propagation and estimates mass production of plantlets of Mentha species. Nine species (M. piperita, M. suaveolens, M. canadensis, M. longiflora, M. aquatica, M. arvensis, Mentha x gracilis, M. gracilis and M. spicata) were propagated with five successive 30-day subcultures in MS medium supplemented with NAA (0.05 µM) and BAP (4.4 µM). Shoots were rooted in MS with IBA, IAA or NAA (0.0; 0.25; 0.5; 2.5 or 5.0 µM). The rooted plantlets were finally acclimatized in a greenhouse. Studied species increased in multiplication rates between 4.2 and 9.0-fold per month. M. piperita, M. longiflora, M. arvensis, M. x gracilis and M. gracilis showed the greatest potential for plantlet production since the estimated production varied between 6,000 and 27,000 plantlets after five 30-days subcultures. The addition of auxin to the medium did not influence root induction. However, IAA at a concentration of 5 µM provided the best results for root length and fresh weight, with averages 11.1 cm and 0.16 g, respectively. Survival of plantlets reached 100% during the greenhouse acclimatization process.

Espécies do gênero Mentha produzem óleos essenciais largamente usados na indústria farmacêutica e de cosméticos. O estudo avaliou o potencial de propagação in vitro e estimou a produção de mudas de espécies de menta. Nove espécies (M. piperita, M. suaveolens, M. canadensis, M. longiflora, M. aquatica, M. arvensis, Mentha x gracilis, M. gracilis e M. spicata) foram propagadas por até cinco sucessivos subcultivos de 30 dias em meio de MS adicionado de ANA (0,05 µM) e BAP (4,4 µM). Os brotos foram enraizados em meio de MS com AIB, AIA ou ANA (0,0; 0,25; 0,5; 2,5 ou 5,0 µM). Finalmente, as mudas foram aclimatizadas em casa de vegetação. As espécies estudadas apresentaram aumentos nas taxas de multiplicação, variando entre 4,2 e 9,0 vezes por mês. M. piperita, M. longiflora, M. arvensis, M. x gracilis e M. gracilis mostraram os melhores potenciais para propagação, uma vez que a produção variou entre 6.000 e 27.000 mudas após cinco subcultivos de 30 dias. A adição de auxina no meio não influenciou a indução de raízes. Entretanto, o AIA na concentração de 5 µM promoveu os melhores resultados quanto ao comprimento e massa fresca das raízes, com médias de 11,1 cm e 0,16 g, respectivamente. No processo de aclimatização houve 100% de sobrevivência das mudas.

Plants, Medicinal , In Vitro Techniques , Mentha
Ambato; s.n; 2015. 1-134 p. ilus, tab, graf.
Thesis in Spanish | LILACS, MTYCI | ID: biblio-998012


La investigación considera el uso de hierbas medicinales en el embarazo. Se realizó un estudio de tipo descriptivo, para determinar el uso de hierbas medicinales en el embarazo y su relación con las creencias acerca de los efectos en el parto. Así como el nivel de conocimiento de los pacientes en lo referente a al uso de la Fitoterapia, se utilizó una encuesta que permitió verificar la hipótesis. Los resultados demuestran que la totalidad de las mujeres encuestadas usan plantas medicinales para aliviar ciertos síntomas del embarazo, el método más práctico para el uso de plantas medicinales fue la infusión, entre las plantas medicinales más usadas fueron: Manzanilla, Menta, Toronjil, Linaza, Canela, Orégano, Anís, Yerbabuena, Sábila, Ruda, Aguacate, Chirimoya, Higo. En lo que respecta al parto las creencias fueron: que al beber una infusión "se iniciará la labor de parto, reducirá el dolor y que el bebé saldrá pronto". Las creencias familiares son las que lideran a los demás tipos mediando así el uso de plantas medicinales. La Hipótesis que se acepta fue la que habla de las creencias familiares y su relación con el uso de hierbas medicinales en el embarazo. (AU)

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Plants, Medicinal , Pregnancy , Chamomile , Mentha , Parturition , Rural Population , Ecuador , Phytotherapy , Medicine, Traditional
Braz. j. pharm. sci ; 51(3): 533-540, July-Sept. 2015. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-766302


Peltodon longipes is used as a stimulant and emmenagogue. The objective of this study was to perform genotoxic and chromatographic analyses of the extracts of two samples of P. longipes, collected from the cities of Santa Maria and Tupanciretã, RS, Brazil. The Allium cepa assay was used to analyze genotoxicity while high-performance liquid chromatography was employed to determine phenolic compounds. The genotoxicity experiment consisted of nine groups each comprising four A. cepa bulbs. Bulb roots were developed in distilled water and then transferred for the treatments, for 24 hours, and the negative control remained in water. The treatments were: aqueous extracts at concentrations of 5 and 15 g L-1 for each sample, plus four groups treated with 1% glyphosate, one of which was used as a positive control and the other three for testing DNA damage recovery using water and the extracts of P. longipes from Santa Maria. All extracts of P. longipes exhibited anti-proliferative potential, although the effect was significantly greater for the extracts from the Tupanciretã sample. This sample also contained the highest amount of rosmarinic acid and kaempferol, which may confer the effects found in these extracts. Only extracts from the Santa Maria sample exhibited genotoxic potential.

Peltodon longipes é utilizada como estimulante e emenagoga. Objetivou-se realizar análises genotóxica e cromatográfica dos extratos de duas amostras de P. longipes, coletadas nos municípios de Santa Maria e Tupanciretã, RS, Brasil. O teste de Allium cepa foi utilizado para análise da genotoxicidade e a cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência, para determinação dos compostos fenólicos. O experimento de genotoxicidade constou de nove grupos de quatro bulbos de A. cepa. Os bulbos foram enraizados em água destilada e após transferidos para os tratamentos, por 24 horas, permanecendo o controle negativo em água. Os tratamentos foram: extratos aquosos nas concentrações de 5 e 15 g L-1 de cada amostra, além de quatro grupos tratados com glifosato 1%, um deles usado como controle positivo e outros três para testar a recuperação de danos ao DNA, utilizando água e os extratos de P. longipes da amostra de Santa Maria. Todos os extratos de P. longipes demonstraram potencial antiproliferativo, porém o efeito foi significativamente maior para os extratos da amostra de Tupanciretã. Essa amostra também apresentou maior quantidade de ácido rosmarínico e canferol, o que pode estar relacionado com os efeitos encontrados nesses extratos. Somente extratos da amostra de Santa Maria demonstraram potencial genotóxico.

Lamiaceae/metabolism , Genotoxicity/analysis , Chromatography, Liquid/methods , Mentha/metabolism